Monday, February 11, 2013

So in love

There are not even words to describe the love that Ed and I have for Milo.  Every single day he amazes us - he is smart and is developing perfectly on target.  He has a smile that lights up the room and a laugh that is just magical!  He is such a happy and wonderful little baby and we are blessed beyond understanding to have such a precious son! 

He is now rolling over, sleeping through the night, cooing and talking like crazy, smiling constantly, and laughing all of the time.  He is growing so much - he is almost 14 pounds and is growing like a weed:)  He is incredibly handsome I can't help but kiss his face constantly!!!!!  I am the happiest that I have ever been - he brings a whole new meaning to our lives and brings us so much joy and happiness.  When I look at him I am just overwhelmed by how much love I feel for this precious child.  Being a mother is more amazing that I ever could have imagined!

Friday, January 4, 2013

The best advice that I have ever been given


I found such a special surprise in my mailbox today!  I started teaching 6 years ago, and a student from my first year of teaching had left a gift for me at school.  In the giftbag, I found two adorable outfits for Milo, but the best part was the letter that she wrote!  I was immediately brought to tears by her kind and loving words!  She is such a special young lady and has amazing parents!  She gave me advice based on what she admired and cherished about her parent's parenting style - I had to share her advice, it is the best advice that I have ever been given:
She wrote....
"1.  Put time with me above everything else.  My mom always said, "I can always clean the house but I won't always have you"
2.  Let me use my imagination - I used to love playing pirate and helping my mom "mop the poop-deck" and this played to her advantage as well:)
3.  Love each other - my parents have shown me true love and now I won't settle for anything but the best!  I used to say "eww" when I saw them kiss but I always knew that they loved each other and I found comfort in that.
4.  Showed me how fortunate I am  - my mom used to take my sister and I to volunteer and I got to see how lucky I was
5.  Taught me not to pity those who have less but to offer a helping hand
6.  Quality time with each parent;  I love doing yardwork, canoeing and running with my dad but it feels weird with my mom - it is me and daddy's thing
7.  Teaching me to follow my gut when making decisions
8.  Supporting me in everything that I do
9.  J.O.Y. Jesus, Others, Yourself
10. Teaching me that bad decisions don't make me a bad person
11.  Always express my emotions - my parents told me this constantly
12.  Service makes yourself and those you are serving happier
13.  Find your passion and live for it!

I know that she is wise beyond her years!  For a high schooler to take the time to write her 6th grade teacher a letter filled with such wisdom and love was so wonderful!

Monday, December 31, 2012


I know a lot of people reflect back on the previous year as the new year is approaching, and I figured I would do the same.  2012 has been one of the hardest, saddest, most amazing, miraculous and joyful year of my life!  2012 started with so much promise as Ed and I prepared to do our 2nd round of IVF.  I started the meds in January and we transferred two embryos in February.  On March 3rd, I found out that for the very first time, I was finally pregnant!  I was so thrilled and emotional as we had finally accomplished what we feared would only ever be a dream.

March was a very joyful and wonderful month for us, but in April, everything changed.  I lost the baby on April 6th and it was harder than I had ever imagined a miscarriage could be.  We then prepared to transfer our remaining two embryos knowing that they were our last chance.  Fertility treatments are extremely expensive and draining emotionally and we knew that we would probably not do another round of IVF for a very long time if at all.  When those two embryos didn't result in a pregnancy we were so devastated!  We felt extremely defeated and just so sad...."Why is this happening to us?" was a thought that I couldn't shake!  Especially with no diagnosis for our infertility, it was so frustrating and confusing.

We had our homestudy finished from a previous adoption that fell through and knew that if we wanted to adopt, we should start the process sooner than later so that we wouldn't need to update our homestudy and have to redo a lot of the different things that expire after you have had your homestudy for 2 years.  The biggest fear for us was the cost.  The agency that we had originally completed our homestudy through would cost an additional $22,000-$28,000 depending on the specific adoption and that was WAY more money than we could even imagine coming up.  Then we found Cleveland Catholic Charities that was much more reasonable!  I called Cleveland Catholic Charities in August and started the process of transferring my homestudy from Adoption Circle.  We made a profile with pictures of us and information about us as a family to show potential birth parents and started the adoption process.  Our homestudy was officially transferred on September 17th.  Our son was born October 13th - we didn't have to wait long at all which was amazing!!!!

When we found out that we would be parents and that our son was already born, we were just amazed at how perfectly everything had worked out!  We were so emotional and thankful that God had finally given us a child!  Milo is honestly perfect in every way and we couldn't be happier that of all of the children in the world, we were lucky enough to be chosen to be his parents!  He makes us smile each and every day and brings us so much joy!  He laughed for the first time on Friday and has the most beautiful contagious smile you could imagine!  It feels like he was always meant to be ours and that this journey was necessary to bring us to him.

So, 2012 has definitely been filled with ups and downs but it has been the best year of my life!  Welcome to our family Milo Griffin Sedmak - you have been so worth the wait!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Adjusting to life with precious Milo has been pretty easy!  He is such a sweet baby and for the most part, just likes to cuddle (which I am PERFECTLY happy with:).  He doesn't sleep well at night, but that is to be expected, and we have gone through SO much coffee!  He is absolutely the missing little link in our lives though and when he smiles, my heart just melts!

I am so touched by the amazing outpouring of love we have experienced since Milo has arrived.  We have received beautiful cards, gifts, and items to help us during this time.  I am so grateful for every single kind word, prayer, gift, and card - they mean so much to us!  Thank you thank you thank you all for everything you have done to support us!  We honestly couldn't be more grateful!

Milo was well worth the wait.  It is amazing how someone so tiny can make you feel so much love and happiness.  He is the most amazing little guy I could have ever wished for!  I still sometimes look at him and can't believe his is our son!  Ed is the most wonderful father - he is patient with him and so loving.  We share the midnight feedings and he never complains.  Seeing him with Milo is the most incredible sight...I am more in love with him now than ever before!!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Love at first sight

While I don't have a birth story to share...I have something so much more amazing, Milo's coming home story!

I worked on Monday, November 19th to take my mind off of the excitement! I left work and hurried home to get last minute things ready. We vacuumed and cleaned and anxiously waited for our social worker to call saying that the birth parents had signed the paperwork and that things were actually going to happen! We had been on pins and needles and just kept praying that everything was going smoothly.

Milo was supposed to arrive between 4:30 and 5, so when those times passed by without hearing from our social worker, I began to panic! When I say panic, I mean PANIC!!!! Did something go wrong? Is there a problem?

Then the social worker called saying that papers were signed and they were on their way!!! EEKKK the excitement was incredible! Milo's birth dad flew in from CA to sign the papers and wanted to be the one to hand over Milo to me. How special is that! So at about 6:15 we heard commotion outside our front door. Ed answered the door and Milo's birth grandfather was standing there holding a beautifully wrapped gift for Milo in his arms and behind him, his son was walking up our front sidewalk holding this tiny little bundle wrapped in a blue blanket. I immediately LOST IT! We were sobbing uncontrollably! Milo's birth dad walked through our front door and handed me Milo and it was honestly the most beautiful and perfect moment of my life!

I admire Milo's birth dad so much! For a 16 year old to fly in to do what he feels is best for his son and to want to be there when he was placed with his adoptive parents is amazing beyond understanding! His birth dad and grandfather cried seeing us with Milo. It was magical!!!

I was worried about missing the moment that he was born, but the moment we got to meet our son was far beyond the emotions that I honestly feel that I would have felt had I been there for the birth. It was years of struggle and heartache melting away. Milo has completely replaced those feelings with feelings of "it was so worth it" and love for our son! I know that he is meant to be ours, was always meant to be ours! His due date was the same due date as the baby that I lost! He is so perfectly worth every tear shed and every moment of heart ache!

So now, we are getting to know our precious son and enjoying being a mommy and daddy! We are so in love with him and looking at his face is the most amazing feeling in the world! There is so much love that we have for our son, I never knew this type of love existed! It is amazing how you can love someone so much so instantly! It was love at first sight for sure!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Yesterday we got the call from our social worker that the birthmom that we had met on October 18th has chosen adoption for her precious son.  He has been in foster care since he was born on October 13th.  We have been chosen to adopt this sweet little baby!  I still can't believe it is happening!  We should be able to take baby Milo home very soon.

We will be having an open adoption with his parents.  They have requested that we keep his name "Milo" so we will be honoring that request.  The name we had chosen for him will now be his middle name.  So Milo Griffin it is:)

Now we just have to wait for her to actually sign the paperwork - this process could take anywhere from a week to a month.  I am filled with so many emotions that I don't even know where to start!  I am over the moon excited!  I can't wait to meet this little guy and hold him.  I can't wait to bring him home!  I want to go and bring him home so badly that it is all that I can think about - it is constantly on my mind...I wonder if he is being held and snuggled.  I hope that he is bonding with his foster mom to teach him how to bond and attach.  I have been praying for everyone that has been caring for Milo.

So, our miracle has finally arrived.  I can't wait to post more news!

Milo Griffin

It is amazing to think that tomorrow is the day that Ed and I have been praying for!  We have been waiting for over 5 years to become parents, and tomorrow is the day that our dreams will come true!

We got the call on Monday, November 12th at about 4:45 that we would be adopting baby Milo.  We were at first in disbelief and were so incredibly excited!  We found out on Wednesday that we would be getting baby Milo on November 19th, sooner than we had originally expected!  Having him home a few days before Thanksgiving is just incredible and is such a blessing!  We can't even express all of the many emotions that we are feeling right now.  We go through everything from laughing, crying, smiling, preparing, and worrying because everything is not finalized yet.

We can't wait to see his sweet face and know that all of these years of waiting, stressing, and crying are over and that we can finally move on and enjoy being parents!  It is so surreal still that our son is out there and we are just waiting for him to come home!

We love this little guy so much already and are so emotional about tomorrow.  I can't wait to have  all of us together and to know that the wait is finally over!